finally, after almost 2 years not going back home,
now i am home. hello jakarta.
like all others say, cant take the heat, mann. but no complaint about that. must get use to it.
btw, one thing i want to point out. the immigration indo's totally suck.
they even didnt touch my luggage. not wonder right?
and finally, i am officially jet lag.
but still it's good to be home.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Last day of work as an RA

today. june 18, 2010 12:43 am
just done my last round in my last duty night.
finally. hehe i think i will miss kicking some ass and busting parties.
no more wand and "sexy back" agian.
well, i am gonna miss campus safety i guess. hahaha
i'll try to like sexy back song again. :)
thank RA, being you teach me alot. literally alot. like talking to big tall drunk and angry guy. :)
I may be an RA in davis. we'll see. or i think i will try looking a job in housing. that's better.
anyway, LOVE RA CCA!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
the bets are off.
Heres the thing that makes life so interesting. The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive. Maybe so...maybe so...But the theory of competition says just because their the strong doesn't mean they cant get their ass's kicked. Thats right. See what every long shot, come from behind underdog will tell you is this. The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds maybe stacked against you, fair enough. But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where PASSION has a funny way of trumping logic. So before you step up to the starting line, before the whistle blows, and the clock starts ticking. Just remember out here the results don't always add up. No matter what the stats may say, and the experts may think, and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on all bets are off. Don't be surprised if someone decides to flip the script and take a pass on yelling uncle. And then suddenly as the old saying goes, we got ourselves our game!