Why? I keep asking Why? (well if we have answers for every Whys i guess life would be a lot easier huh =D ) So, feel like God whispered to me and this is what i interpret ‘It is human nature to have fear and worries of things that are still ‘unknown‘ , ‘unseen‘, and ‘unpredictable‘, hardship is seen as a burden not because of the circumstances around it, but because of human’s inability to wait for a solution’
People commonly think that ‘hardship’ is the opposite of ‘happiness’, but i do encourage you to think of it as a ‘prelude to happiness’.
Because happiness is a personal effort, you fight for it,strive for it, and insist upon it.Once you achieve happiness you must never become relax about maintaining it, you must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on it. Hardship is there for you to be able to make a personal effort in fighting it until you reach the ultimate satisfaction of finally gripping the blessing of happiness.
Every being has to carry a given amount of hardship, and every being is given a given amount of blessing in return according to the approach in handling the given hardship. When a tree is planted where the fiercest winds crush its branches..nearly to the point of breaking, that tree is more firmly rooted than any other trees grown in a secluded valley with no storm.
Well, the winds and storms are our hardships, but like the tree.. the strongest and greatest character in us is grown through hardship.
Hardship is like a strong wind. it tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are - Memoirs of Geisha
Big daddy up there doesn’t give us ‘the blessing of happiness’ right in front of our door steps, instead he put it in a box and hide it for us to be like kids who excitedly play treasure hunting. The hunt will be tiring but whats being offered in that box surpasses all things imagined by human minds.
So dear friends, i hope by reading this you can change the way you view your hardships. Let it be your ‘fertilizer‘ and ‘secret ingredient‘ in life because we all know there is a greater rewards for those who silently wait.
‘Harship enhances this journey we call life’ …
A verse to be shared ‘Rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. (Romans 5:3-5)
“If you don’t like about something; change it, if you can’t change it, change how you think about it“~Mary Engelbreit

credit belong to http://mybitsoflife.wordpress.com/2010/10/15/hardship-a-test-of-character/
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